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  • PBF
    Apr 24, 02:44 PM
    Heres another image with the new proximity sensor. Hmm..
    Image (http://pocketnow.com/html/portal/news/0000016260//iphone-4-t-mobile.jpg)
    You can't even see it. LOL

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  • twoodcc
    Sep 26, 11:06 AM
    well team macrumors.com has been passed again by another team. we are now ranked #58 for folding teams

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  • BlizzardBomb
    Oct 24, 07:44 AM
    as expected? 2GB RAM as standard configuration for the upper two is a little more than I expected.

    Just noticed that. Support for up to 3GBs too! Interesting.

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  • Ubuntu
    Apr 27, 05:09 AM
    Not a surprise, even amazon charges a small fee for a decent amount of storage.

    Yes, but it'll probably be the other way round here a - large fee for a poor amount of storage/quality of features.


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  • fisty
    Nov 3, 09:07 PM
    Elegant post but sheesh!


    Yeah it already is.

    indeed it has :D

    just created iso image from the xp sp2 cd i have lieing around.. never seen xp installing so fast lol

    tho still a bit bumpy as its a private beta...no **** its bumpy lol

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  • samcolak
    Apr 22, 11:05 AM
    XNU is post 1996 merger. Mach pre merger was 2.9. Post merger is a mix of Mach 3.x with XNU and FreeBSD, plus Apple's own advances.

    Everyone who worked on OS X at Apple in Core Engineering was a merging of NeXT Engineering with some Apple Engineers and future talent. Apple bought NeXT for the IP, Code Bases, Tools, Engineering Talent and Leadership.

    BSD is not GNU.

    I think you are referring to IO Kit rather than XNU. Darwin (the core OS) features the Mach-O kernel that was created from the merger of BSD and a custom set of APIs coming from the NeXT era - XNU was the child of the merger so to speak (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin_(operating_system). BSD was used to create the network and filesystem stacks.

    BSD is technically NOT what most consider true UNIX. Nowadays (post 1990s we are talking) consider System 5 as "true" unix. It is however viewed as a derivative featuring near-on all UNIX-like services.

    It was called System V (5) because of 5 original license holders - SGI, SUN, HP, IBM and Microsoft. (Yes Microsoft licensed Xenix from AT&T in the 1970's - from this came AmigaOS....) in 1982 Microsoft solds its license to SCO and then in 2003 brought it back again....

    Lastly, BSD evolved to POSIX and Linux came from that route...

    IF someone would like to see a SystemV manual (UNIX) please send an email..

    Some of us grew up on a PDP-11..... Scary thoughts... Nowadays im messing with Darwin and OpenDarwin builds :) Crashed a few MBP's rebuilding the kernel a couple of times....

    If anyone would like to see the code (and its available at apple although hidden.... see this link -> http://www.opensource.apple.com/release/mac-os-x-106/ - note that XNU is still under APPL and BSD licensing...)


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  • DmbShn41
    Oct 14, 08:56 AM

    With AT&T being the cell phone carrier that charges the most, they should be EXPECTED to provide the best quality service in the industry. If AT&T thinks 30% of all calls being dropped is "normal," this is absolutely unacceptable! So this means that of every ten phone calls to 911, 3 being dropped is "normal" and acceptable????? And major corporations with thousands of employees are supposed to sign up for cell service with AT&T, knowing that 30% of all calls (with customers) being dropped is, in AT&T's eyes, acceptable???????? :eek: :eek: :eek:

    Wow, you really need to take a chill pill. 911 services dont work exactly like every other phone call. And the 30% is for the NYC metro area, which is has about 20 million other people within a few blocks making calls on their cells too, which creates quite a bit of confusion, signal wise. And lets not forget the buildings, and their makeup of steel/iron frames. And then all the WiFi signal that is being broadcasted around.

    SO yeah there is quite a bit of a hurdle there, but what is even more interesting is what is Verizon, T-Mobile, etc acceptable rate of dropped calls for NYC area? Do you think any lower? Maybe next time you should think before you overreact, and then just not saying anything if it's anything like this?

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  • paradox00
    Nov 10, 03:41 PM
    just goes to show people still want to be able to see flash on their iphones reguardless of how bloated

    I got it just to test it out, and I suspect many others did the same.

    Processing Flash on a server means the bloat isn't on the phone, so this doesn't actually mean people want flash at any cost. That said, click to flash would be nice, but we'll never see it.


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  • yg17
    May 1, 10:06 PM
    AMERICA, **** YEAH!


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  • eddiejsmall
    Apr 14, 12:34 PM
    Why would it?? It's not a feature release.

    #.#.X releases are bug fix releases.

    Maybe because 4.2.6 had feature releases inside the update.


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  • Tones2
    Apr 26, 02:05 PM
    Uh no...

    You need to follow the thread. The poster was using his 2 TB drive as his cloud using a 5$ software.


    My original point is though that, given that you ALREADY have all of your music (and probably videos) stores on your local hard drive of your computer, and have your computer connected to the internet, why the heck would you need APPLE to stream your music from the internet, when you can just buy StreamToMe or Audio Galaxy or 20 other apps that can do this for a $5 TOTAL incremental cost from what you already have. You can stream all of your music, including your already set up playlists, AND your video right from your figgin' hard drive. Why the heck do you need to pay APPLE anything?

    The only benefit I can see it to not eat into your HOME data cap limits, which are usually pretty high anyway (I've NEVER had an issue, and I stream all of the time). But you'd have to upload your non-iTunes purchased songs to their servers anyway, which would offset that somewhat.


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  • PghLondon
    May 1, 05:39 AM
    You do realize that there are a set of minimum requirements that an Android phone must adhere to to be granted access to Android Market?

    Yup, and that's irrelevant to the discussion. Phones that aren't granted access to that market are still counted as Android devices.

    I don't know how long you have been into Smartphones but smartphone marketshare has always been calculated this way, even in the old days of Symbian and Windows Mobile which also ran on non smart phone PDA's.PDA's were excluded from smart phone market share despite running the same OS.

    "Smartphone OS" market share has been around before Android and iOS even existed as a platform and isnt some tool to belittle Apple's perceived performance in any way. Its just a metric in a sea of metrics that count things to different cirteria.

    "Smartphone OS" is a totally meaningless metric. It's as useful as "laptop OS" versus "desktop OS". Yes, you can report on it, but it begs the question "why?". And the answer is (9 times out of 10) "to make us look good, even though we're losing the battle that really counts".


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  • iSee
    May 4, 08:57 AM
    We are always skeptical about such information shared by customer-facing representatives of Apple or associated companies, as those employees are essentially never provided with that level of information ahead of any official announcement.

    And this case is no different. Should not even be page 2.

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  • edwdcook
    Apr 16, 11:30 AM
    The launchpad now works more like iOS home screen. Click and hold to make icons jiggle and you can delete icons with an 'x' to the top left of the icon. UI not finished however.



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  • vincenz
    Apr 13, 02:09 PM
    It makes sense. A monitor with a built- in apple TV. Question is how big will it be?

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  • DeathChill
    Apr 23, 12:14 PM
    Were you happy when Exxon was making record profits quarter after quarter? Did you go post about it on an oil forum? Did you laugh when they were spanking Shell? As a consumer, not as an investor.

    You're reaching pretty hard there. Apple makes consumer electronics that I enjoy using everyday. They're creating new markets and innovating existing ones. I don't understand how you can think that enjoying that is a bad thing.


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  • Moyank24
    Apr 30, 10:45 PM
    Can I get some wings at least?

    Appleguy will bring them to you when he leaves the kiddie party.

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  • rhett7660
    Mar 2, 10:44 AM
    :mad: Emiilo is busy being a director and winegrower, thank you very much :mad: :p

    As to Charlie - I'm of two minds - I do think that part of this is definitely publicity. He probably hasn't had so many requests for interviews in years! On the other hand, even though that drug test he took was supposedly negative - I think that's probably a temporary thing and he will back to hitting the crack pipe pretty darn soon if he hasn't started up again already.

    As to losing his children - yes it's sad for him, but definitely good for them. although with a drug-addicted mom - perhaps there is a well meaning relative that could step in for the boys? Charlie has 5 kids. His oldest is married I think, so don't know what she has had to deal with. But Denise always had custody of the 2 girls and I think for while there he wasn't even allowed visitation, so sadly, I don't think losing visitation rights is going to change anything for Charlie.

    I agree, given his state of mind right now, I wouldn't be surprised if this is all Chucks fault too. Charlie doesn't seem to want to take responsibility for his actions. But hey, he is making millions, or was making millions why should he! :)

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  • lordonuthin
    Oct 28, 12:56 AM
    I just jumped to 19th place on the team when my bigadv unit was posted. better get that i7 going and figure out the gpu2 problem. (scratches head)

    I think we might catch back up to Team Lithuania :D

    Dec 1, 02:43 PM
    Sober up, Steve. Less time on Time Machine and more time on solidifying the system.

    AppleTalk: Who uses it, and why?

    I'm pretty sure that any time you use Personal file sharing, you are using AppleTalk.

    EDIT: More info... Personal File Sharing is based off of Apple Filing Protocol (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Filing_Protocol). From wikipedia:

    AFP versions 3.0 and greater rely exclusively on TCP/IP (port 548 or 427) for establishing communication, supporting AppleTalk only as a service discovery protocol. The AFP 2.x family supports both TCP/IP and AppleTalk for communication and service discovery. Many third-party AFP implementations use AFP 2.x, thereby supporting AppleTalk as a connection method. Still earlier versions rely exclusively on AppleTalk. For this reason, some older literature refers to AFP as "AppleTalk Filing Protocol". Other literature may refer to AFP as "AppleShare," the name of the Mac OS 9 (and earlier) AFP client.

    Nov 26, 05:09 AM
    I'd say one of the biggest reasons why Apple won't let flash on iOS is simply because flash doesn't mix well with multi-touch.

    People are going to encounter lots of flash that doesn't work or doesn't work well, and it will cause potential security issues, crashing, etc., Apple doesn't want their named tarnished -- your typical user isn't really going to understand that flash is crashing, not the actual browser, so Apple gets the blame instead of Adobe.

    The fact is, flash is useful for somethings but is also being used for many things it shouldn't (or would be better suited for something else), flash is everywhere, and personally, I think it needs to die so we can start anew with HTML5 or another codec which fixes Flashes shortcomings.

    Mar 31, 04:57 PM
    One of the things I used to hate about Windows were those programs that used their own butt-ugly skins. Seems that Lion is moving in that direction as well.

    *sigh* I know uniformity went out the window with iTunes, but this is getting ridiculous now.

    Blue Velvet
    Feb 28, 01:49 PM
    I'm not saying that I don't think he's abusing some serious drugs, but I think he has more control over what he's doing/saying than we think.


    More Charlie Sheen cats here (http://mediumlarge.wordpress.com/2011/02/24/cats-quote-charlie-sheen/) and here. (http://mediumlarge.wordpress.com/2011/02/28/cats-quote-charlie-sheen-morning-news-edition/)

    Nov 20, 05:39 PM
    Hey guys,

    I might be a bit off topic here, but im gonna risk it anyways...

    I am a VS2005 c# developer (Compact Framework) and in the process of switching to Mac.

    I am currently working exclusivly on a Dell PC, and toying with the idea of throwing away that ugly piece of plastic, and getting a shiny new mac book pro.

    Now here is the thing : how do i keep the great performance i currently have on my Dell ? (bootcamp is out of the question since I do not want to keep booting my machine to check emails etc...)

    Will VMWare cut it ? I head some discussion on the poor performace Parallels has when it comes to disk access (compiling is disk intensive).

    Any thoughts ? did any one here try it ?

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