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 Filenews 11 September 2020

UK Expats - please see notes at the bottom of the article

The Department of Population and Migration Records announces that from 05.09.2020 the new version of a residence permit is being released in the new single form provided for in EU Regulation 2017/1954 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2017 amending Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003. Council Regulation (EC) No 1030/2002 establishing uniform residence permits for third-country nationals (Official Journal of the Eu, 1.11.2017, L 286/9). The main purpose of the Regulation is to strengthen residence permits issued by EU Member States against forgery and impersonation.

It is stressed that all residence permits issued from the above date will then be in the new uniform type, regardless of the date of application.

It is further stressed that the start of the issue of the new uniform type of residence permits does not affect the procedures followed, applications and fees to be followed/submitted/paid in any case. The issue of licences shall be strictly in order of priority.

It is understood that all licences issued with the previous type remain in force until their expiry and are not required to be replaced.


Source: Eyenews

PLEASE NOTE - as it stands at the moment:

1 For UK Expats, residency documentation will be issued in paper form until 31 December 2020.

2 The MEU1 and MEU3 do not carry an expiry date

3 In 2021 UK expats will have the opportunity to change their paper MEU1/3 to a residency document in the new format if they wish - HOWEVER, please note that the residency permit in the new format will have an expiry date, and so renewal of the permit will be required at intervals for a fee [as opposed to the paper MEU1/3 which do not have an expiry date]

4 Details of transfer procedure to the new format in 2021 will be provided in due course.

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