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Inspireme: Carow

Tell us a little bit about yourself...
I’m a Danish blogger living in the very fashionable North Jutland (sense the irony ;-).
As a child I used to walk around the house wearing my mother’s heels size too big. Then one day she took me to the shopping center and I fit into these beautiful killer heels – and from that day on I really just hated all those boring flats. - Just a little side leap - I tend to do that…
A few months ago I created my blog carows.com which is all about fashion, my outfits, everyday life and me being a bit provocative towards some beautiful celebrities.

How did you get the idea to start your own fashion blog?
I simply just love writing and fashion – and having a blog seems like the perfect way to combine those things.
I never wanted to become "just another brick in the blog-wall" - so I really hope my readers find my blog a bit different.

Who are your favourite designers?
I can’t name one in particular – it depends on what the designers bring to the table each season. Highstreet on the other hand - that works every time. Lots of different clothes for less money... I like that.

Do you have a style icon?
I’m inspired by lots of different people. It could be a friend of mine, my mother, some stranger on the street and of course the classic style icons these days; such as the Olsen twins, Olivia Palermo and Alexa Chung (when her hair isn’t all greasy), though I do believe all of those girls are a bit too skinny.

What are your favorite blogs?
I obviously follow all the great Danish blogs - but my very favorites are The Man Repeller and Frou Frouu because of their humor and excellent pictures.

What is your favorite song,book and film?
My taste in music depends on what mood I’m in, and I don’t have a favorite book. Reading bores me, but one day I’m gonna write a novel myself and that one will hopefully become my favorite.
When it comes to movies I’m a sucker for the classics of the 90’s - made before all those extremely annoying special effects started ruining great films.

What can't you live without?
My boyfriend. And neither can my blog... I have no idea who else would have the patience to take my pictures.

Next place you want to travel to..
I’d love to go skiing in a nice little wooden cabin in Norway (do those guys even have snow this time a year?). A couple of weeks in Los Angeles wouldn’t hurt either.

Special Question: If you wrote your autobiography, what would the title be?
“The little girl with lots of hair” - I’m kidding, I really don’t know.

Carow for Carow.com

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