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Ways camouflage acne with makeup

I went to college with a woman who had a unique way to disguise his acne. If the acne broke out just before a big date, she will be the color brown eye pencil and pretend it is a sign of beauty! No matter which acne broke out, he just ran with it-I remember seeing him one night and thought he was entering Cindy Crawford lookalike contest. If acne is particularly rebellious, he will apply fake beauty mark and call it done. I'm not sure if he ever had to explain the change came in second, third and fourth date-know, he probably did not say anything and not think twice about his unusual type of skin care. But for those of us without quite as much chutzpah, follow these makeup tips in this article to a camouflage blackheads.

Then again, maybe you do not want to just hide your acne, you may want to find a cure acne If your goal is to get rid of acne and you are looking for natural remedies that provide quick results, we recommend Acne Free in 3 Days.

Let's get started ... are you ready to learn how to hide acne? "

Before you apply any product, put some toner on your pimple to drain any excess oil.

After the toner is completely dry, apply concealer directly on your acne. Consider using a concealer drugs (which will contain ingredients such as anti-stain bentonite and salicylic acid).

Let dry concealer, concealer and then blend the edges with a cosmetic sponge or cotton. Or you can use a makeup brush with a small dab of concealer on it to paint out the edges. The point here is to soften the edges and make them less obvious.

Once the concealer is completely dry, use a powder brush to set it. Loose powder is better for pressed powder because you can just a few feathers at the top with a powder brush. You want to minimize your contact number as a contact with acne will only interfere with-and therefore-reddened further.

If you apply a base about acne, use a foundation with a yellow base, yellow will reduce the redness. (Also against the red-green color.)

As tempting as it may be trying to make smaller by popping pimples, remember that acne is a temporary solution emerged which could ultimately result in permanent problems later (think mark spots!). But if you really can not hold, at least, read How to Pop a Pimple for best results and hopefully you'll be the end result is clear skin.

Quick Tips:

Use a concealer that is the same color as your base.

Too much makeup will only draw attention to your acne.

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