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5 Ways To Get A Healthy Looking Soft-Pink Lips

Soft, full-looking lips may look nice, but keeping your lips hydrated and healthy is most important. If you’re like most people, though, your lips won’t look soft, pink, and plump without paying a little extra attention to the skin on your mouth. Here are five ways to keep it looking healthy, soft and pink.

1. Exfoliate your lips 

Before you head to bed at night, apply a good quality lip balm. After waking up, use a damp washcloth or a toothbrush to gently rub off any dead or dry skin. This will also boost circulation to the area.

2. Stay hydrated 

One of the most common causes of dry skin is not drinking enough water. Getting eight glasses of water a day will benefit your body in lots of ways, and fuller-looking lips are an added benefit.

3. Moisturize with aloe vera 

You can purchase pure aloe vera gel or even crack a leaf from an aloe plant in your home for this remedy. Aloe vera has soothing and healing properties, helping lips to look their best.

4.Use a berry-based lip scrub 

Strawberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which makes them a great ingredient for nourishing the skin on your lips.

5. Wake up lips with citrus 

Using a few drops of lemon juice, you can make your lips appear brighter and slough off dead skin. Just rub the lemon juice on to your skin and watch your skin brighten up before your eyes. Make sure your lips aren’t cracked or super dry before you use this remedy, as it may sting and make things worse.

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